Lamar Van Dusen Impacts of Technology on Education 2021
Today’s classrooms are vastly different from those of five, 10, or even twenty years ago in terms of appearance and operation. Gone are the days of a single desktop computer in the corner today’s classrooms contain a variety of technologies ranging from Interactive Flat Panel Displays (IFPDs) to tablets, laptops, and smartphones, all of which are seamlessly connected via Wi-Fi or Bluetooth and supported by a variety of software ranging from cloud-based to apps. Because they are accustomed to using cutting-edge technology in their daily lives, today’s digital native students have become more self-reliant in the classroom, where technology is an expected requirement rather than a bonus as per Lamar Van Dusen. Teachers’ and students’ responsibilities have begun to shift as a result of technological advancements. The teacher is the major source of information, which the students receive passively. This idea of the teacher as the “sage on the stage” has been around for a long time in education, and it is still prevalent today. However, as a result of the increased access to information and educational opportunities provided by technology, the teacher’s role in many classrooms is shifting to that of a “guide on the side,” as students take more responsibility for their learning and use technology to gather relevant information. Here are some of the impacts of technology on education.
1) Clarifies Lesson preparation
It is self-evident that the introduction of new technologies in schools has had an impact on education. While technology should always be seen as an enhancement to education rather than a replacement, there are certain advantages for schools looking to streamline teachers’ busy schedules. Lesson preparation is an area where the technology may help significantly as told by Lamar Van Dusen. Teachers may prepare interactive, multimedia-rich courses and generate evaluations and assignments that can be delivered across a variety of mediums for use in and out of the classroom using software like Promethean’s Class Flow.
2) Helps in Assessments
Technology can be used for assessment in a variety of ways, but in general, it can improve assessment by allowing schools to create adaptable assessment criteria that support a wide range of student skills and competencies. In this case, Class Flow gives teachers the ability to use real-time feedback to assess how well a class understands a course and even drill down to individual student comprehension, allowing key topics to be reviewed and explained again if necessary according to Lamar Van Dusen. This should result in an overall improvement in reporting and maybe grades for the institution.
3) No Longer Boundaries
The most prominent application of technology is that it no longer confines lesson time to the four walls of the classroom, allowing for genuine home-school learning. Schools are empowering teachers and students to take greater control of their learning and to maximize the potential of new learning experiences by promoting learning to occur in places outside of the classroom, such as libraries and museums. Students can digitally meet, collaborate, and produce content using technology. Students can use technology to study topics, share ideas, and master specialized skills.
4) Uplifts the Collaborations
Because technology gives for such flexibility in learning, our students can collaborate more effectively. Technology is an important component in collaborative learning. IFPDs allow students to contribute to lesson content from the front of the room, participate in problem-solving activities with their peers, and take a more collaborative approach to class time. Laptops and mobile devices, on the other hand, are essential for remote collaboration and online learning beyond the classroom. Students are developing new methods of problem-solving and learning how to collaborate with their peers’ thanks to technology, which is a valuable skill for their future professions.
5) Building Digital Presence
Digital marketing should be at the heart of your growth strategy, as it can be one of your most effective long-term growth techniques, especially given that more people than ever have access to digital information. As the globe becomes increasingly connected to the web and other devices through IoT apps, you have a unique opportunity to attract the attention of a global audience and easily transform your company into a global endeavor as told by Lamar Van Dusen. Of course, all digital marketing tactics should be used to assure growth, but you should pay special attention to social media. Social media is growing in popularity around the world, and it offers a unique opportunity to build a loyal brand following and develop a strong inbound marketing strategy that will attract quality leads to your website and inspire conversions, which means you won’t have to spend money on paid ads in the long run and will gain lifelong customers organically.
6) Authorize Cloud Computing
Although cloud computing has been around for a while, business leaders are only now seeing the long-term benefits and possibilities of moving their operations to the cloud. It’s only natural that businesses of all sizes are increasingly migrating to a digital platform, given that cloud computing provides increased operational efficiency across the board, as well as enhanced cybersecurity and various tailored applications (make sure your cloud provider can tailor their service to your unique needs). However, for this shift to be successful, you must entrust the migration process to a competent team to retain efficiency and service availability, allowing you to remain active and online at all times without wasting resources. Once the migration is complete, you can reap the full benefits of cloud computing, including technologies tailored to your employees’ demands, all of which will aid your company’s long-term growth.