Is Content Still King?

Many people are still asking, “Why is content still king?”. If you read through the different discussion threads on various internet marketing forums, you will see why this question is still alive and well. Content is king, but not because it can make you money. It’s because of its value to search engines. Let me explain.
Search Engines love websites that have a lot of fresh content. They love it so much that if the website doesn’t have much new content, they will simply demote the website. Does that mean that websites will no longer be found on search engines? No, not necessarily. However, search engines are always looking for new content for their indexes. This new content will help with ranking the site higher and provide readers with fresh and unique information that they haven’t seen before.
So, why is content still king? There are several reasons that I could give you. First, content creates brand recognition, builds trust, and creates interest. Second, content is a viral marketing tool. Once people find your content, they tell others about it, and the others tell their friends and so on…until your content spreads like wildfire. Content is truly king.
Unfortunately, search engines have been accused of being greedy. They allegedly want to keep their users happy so that they keep using the search engines. The theory goes that the search engines will eventually take all of the content they produce and place them onto the front pages of their search results. But, is this what is really happening?
In reality, there are still thousands upon thousands of websites on the internet that receive no traffic at all. Many of these websites never receive a single page view. This is because the owner realized that their content is king, so they don’t need to spend thousands of dollars on advertising to get visitors. There are plenty of examples of content being king, but also examples of websites that are still wasting a lot of money on advertising and worthless content.
If websites are still giving away content for free, why are the search engine companies still handing out content? The answer to this question is simple. Content represents great value to a business. Search engines love websites that have tons of high quality content because they represent an extreme value to users. Users will more likely return to a site if they can see that the owners took the time to create high-quality content and market it effectively.
So, why is content not king anymore? Content is king only to those of us who understand its importance. If you own or run a website that has lots of poor content, you need to do something about it. A simple solution is to spend a few hours creating high quality content. If you’re lucky, you might attract hundreds of new visitors and clients to your site. If you’re not so lucky, you’ll end up with a few posts in directories that get lost in the noise created by thousands of other webmasters trying to attract visitors and clients to their site.
You should always strive to provide your visitors and clients with the best content. If you don’t do it, then you’re losing a great opportunity to increase your profits. Is content still king? Of course, it is! So start creating high quality content today!