How to Add Your Website to Google Search Console

How to add your website to Google Search Console (commonly known as Google Webmaster Tools) can be a daunting task. The good news is that it is not nearly as difficult as it may first appear. Understanding exactly how it works and how to get the most from Google Search Console will benefit not only you but also the other people who use and rely upon Google’s site search tools. Once you have learned how to add your website to Google Webmaster Tools, you’ll be able to optimize your website for maximum traffic potential.
Google Search Console Tools allows you to find and verify many different aspects of your site. For example, you can verify if a Google AdSense account is active or not. You can also find out whether or not your website is included in Google’s supplemental indexing service. The Google Content Network (also known as Google Content Networks) and Google News Lab provide additional verification options.
How to add your website to Google Search Console?
There are a few steps required before you can begin.
First, make sure you have an account with Google. If you don’t have an account with Google, you can still verify your website with Google Webmaster Tools or another similar tool. Next, visit Google’s site search and click the “Search” button. You will see an option for verifying your website.
If you already have an account with Google, you will see a page with links for searching on Google and clicking the “Add URL” button. If you don’t yet have an account with Google, you will be prompted to go to Google and follow the same steps. Once you have completed step three, you will be able to add your website to Google Search Console.
After you have clicked the “Add URL” button, you will be directed to a page with the Google Sitemap. Click the link to view your own set of sitemaps. These sitemaps will provide you with the information you need to verify your website. On the Sitemap, you will see the title, URL, and description of your Sitemap. These are the information you will use to verify your website.
You can view your own domain analytics data from within the Google Sitemap. You will see a link next to your Sitemap. This is the Google Analytics link. Click on this link, and you will be taken to a page with all of your Google Analytics tracking information. If you don’t know how to view your own data, you can use the Google Analytics Tracking URL link, which is located next to your Sitemap.
After you have clicked the “Create listing” button, you will be asked to enter a description about your site in addition to providing a URL. The most important part of your description is the first sentence. This is your primary keyword that will make sure Google’s spiders crawl your website when it is listed in the search engine. Your URL should be specific enough to direct users to your site.
When you are ready to publish your site, you will need to make sure that you follow the step by step instructions that Google includes. Once you have published your site, you will be asked again to submit your Sitemap. Then, you will be given a choice to submit your website or not. If you choose not to submit your website, Google will still index your site in their database, but your listing won’t be listed in Google as a sponsored list.