What Is the Future of Technology Would Include Robots?

What will the future of technology be like in 20 years? Will humans have created a completely new science, technology, and culture with all of our knowledge on Mars, or will they still try to crack the code for the unknown life forms that may be on the other planets in our galaxy? What will the definition of human gender be? Will children have rights, or will they be considered as cannon fodder for the adults in our society? All these questions and more can be answered by watching Futurists discuss the future of technology in this audio clip.
The audio clip was produced by Chris Gibson, a futurist known for his technology predictions. He appears to be quite popular on YouTube and other similar websites. Gibson’s predictions of technology are not so far-fetched at all. He is predicting that humankind will likely travel to space before the year 2020 and explore other planets in future years. He believes that there will be ten times more space missions that will take place by the end of the next decade and that mankind will find signs of alien life in those distant reaches of space.
Who will do most of the work? Gibson states that it will be humans and robots that will go to space together. However, this will not be because there is no room in the cargo holds of the international space agency for humans and robots to live together. Gibson instead foresees a future where both robots and humans will work in tandem within the same system. This could mean that one robot would act as an escort for another or allow humans to perform multiple tasks.
Who will control the future technologies? Gibson envisions that humans will work in teams like the United Nations or the military. Each team would be responsible for one piece of the future technology. They would then be able to share and utilize that technology and make the most of it. Humans would then be completely dependent on the team for the products and services that they need.
What would the government or the military do with future technologies? They would use it to train their armies, which many believe might be the future of fighting wars. They would also use it to protect our cities from attack from those who would not follow international laws, which many consider being out of the realm of possibility.
Robots would also be responsible for doing all of the work around the home. This would mean that one family member would no longer have to get the housework done. This would also free up some time for the person who was no longer working. Free time could be spent enjoying life, traveling, or anything else that someone might want to do.
What if Google decided to take on the world of advertising? They would begin by creating ads designed to match the content of websites that people are looking at. The ads would also be made to look similar to the content, which would draw the user in and allow them to click on the ad.
The other day, I was listening to a show on MSN about the future of technology, and I was thinking to myself, “What if the government was trying to help out with this?” What if the government had some research grants that they were using to find work for people? What if they were looking to start a business because they wanted to change how the world worked? What if a hacker found out some classified information, which allowed them to get into the Department of Defense and give the hacker’s the keys to the future, and thus disrupt our entire civilization.