How to Write Tips for the Easily Distracted

- Don’t be discouraged by distractions! It’s okay to get distracted, it happens to everyone. If you’re writing a paper and something distracts you, just go back to what you were doing and try not to let it happen again.
- Use sticky notes! I use these little things for everything, but they are great for writers because if a distraction comes up all you have to do is write “Don’t forget!” on one of your sticky notes and stick it somewhere so that when something distracts you again, this time instead of forgetting about the task at hand, all you’ll have to do is look at the sticky note and remember what needs done! This also works well with reminders about deadlines or assignments due dates (see my post about getting organized). One more thing: make sure that whatever reminders/notes/whens are written in ink or Sharpie because otherwise they’ll be easily erased by distraction #3…. water damage!! My mom loves using Post-Its but I’ve found them too easy to erase when they’re wet… which brings me right into #3: water damage!!! Make sure your books aren’t near any water sources. content companies are not responsible for water damage to books, which is why it’s a good idea to have a backup plan.
- Have a backup in case of water damage! I’ve read the same book over and over again, each time with it being damaged by something like spilled milk or coffee… I’m not sure how that happens but one day I’ll learn when/why it happened! Make sure you protect your book from potential spills. You’ve worked hard on writing your paper/book and you don’t want anything to get in the way of finishing what you started!
- Get some fresh air… or fresh ink if you’re writing with a pen!! When I’m bored and need inspiration for writers block, sometimes all I have to do is step outside for some fresh air. It works just as well when you feel tired from sitting at your desk all day long trying to write (which can be really difficult!). Writer’s block is something that every writer deals with so don’t let yourself get discouraged if you hit writer’s block while writing an essay/paper or even a novel. If your writer’s block is extra bad, try going outside for some fresh air and do something fun. When I’m stuck on a book and have writer’s block, the best thing to do is find another book I love that doesn’t require me to think hard (and this will help with #1: not being distracted). Or grab a friend or family member and go somewhere fun!
- Listen to music! Music is a great distraction because it helps you get into the mood of writing… so if you’re writing an essay about Shakespeare or Edgar Allan Poe, make sure you acquire some music in the style of their works. If you’re listening to music like that while working on your paper/book, chances are it’ll inspire your ideas even more! To be honest here, when I’m really stuck on something or need inspiration for my writing projects (which happens all too often), instead of getting out of my chair and going somewhere else where there could be other distractions (like looking at Facebook!), I sit down in front of my piano and just play whatever feels right. This usually brings me back into focus so instead of getting up from my desk/chair and going somewhere else where there could be distractions lurking around every corner vying for my attention, it helps me get back into the mood perfectly.
If you’ve come this far into the piece, then you deserve a reward for reading so much. Here I will give you a prize: my favorite writing tip ever!
- Make sure to write your book/paper in one sitting if possible! This is something that I absolutely love doing because it helps me get my point across better than anything else. When I’m writing an essay or paper, sometimes I do go off on tangents and miss things that could have been really good points but here’s the thing: when you write your book or paper in one sitting, it means that all of the points are going to flow together nicely instead of getting off track and falling behind schedule (which can be really bad). Also, when you write something from start to finish in one sitting… well… just like how a baby feels loved by his/her mother holding them close and rocking them back forth to sleep at night; writing your stuff from start to finish makes for some great connection with what is being written.
I hope this post has helped shed some light on how to avoid distractions while writing:) Let me know if any of these tips have worked for you!!