How To Take Action On A Call To Action From Your Blog Post

Call to action is a general term to describe any design to urge an instant response or encourage an instant sale. A CTA most frequently refers to the usage of certain phrases or words integrated into other marketing messages, advertisements, or websites that drive an audience to take an active part in the activity being advertised. For example, a TV commercial might begin with the phrase “Check out our new product,” followed by a picture of the new product being offered. The call to action may then suggest what the customer should do next by suggesting that they check out the company’s website for additional information on the new product.
Taking action in this manner provides an opportunity for dialogue and direction between the advertisers and the audience. There are many types of CTA that might be appropriate depending on the nature of the messages involved. Most importantly, the audience should determine the tone of the message, i.e., are they more interested in helping people, creating an impact on others, receiving free goods or services, influencing a decision, etc.? In addition, the words used need to accurately describe the desired result; i.e., should it be to persuade, convince, influence, attract, motivate, entice, influence, etc.?
Now, let’s take a look at some proven ways of making sure your CTA and call to action links lead the target audience to something like your landing page. First, you need to determine which call-to-action words are going to get the most response. One of the easiest and quickest ways to determine which call-to-action words will be most effective is to refer to a list of proven methods compiled by market researchers called the “AHAR Niche Analysis.” This report was developed by three experts who have spent years studying the responses certain key phrases evoke among target audiences. For example, these experts found that ” persuasiveness ” emotional appeal ” were two of the top phrases that evoke the most positive emotions from your target audience.
Once you’ve identified the most effective words like ” persuasiveness ” emotional appeal,” then you simply need to use them in your own marketing emails and your website content. For example, when your audience feels that they’re in some sort of imminent danger, triggered by something like a scam or the loss of a loved one, your target audience will respond well to your call-to-action links. As they respond well, they’ll feel like you have personally targeted them and that this personal touch will make them want to buy your products or join your organization.
Another way to make sure your call-to-action links lead the target audience to your landing page is to add a link to your blog post, if you have one. Not only will this make your blog post more interesting, but it will also give your readers a good reason to respond well to your email marketing campaigns. The greater the perceived importance of the link you provide in your blog post, the greater your chances are to get your target audience to respond well to your offer. So, don’t be afraid to link your blog posts to your opt-in form!
Another great way to trigger your intended action from your emails is to encourage your audience to ask you something like, “can I have more free stuff?” Or “where can I find out more about FOMO?” These are examples of highly visible Call-to-Action links to which your audience will respond well to. Just as with the above example, the more you include a Call-to-Action link in your emails, the more your audience will respond well to your offers.
One last thing that I’d like to talk about here is that of the Doers. Do you know what I’m talking about? I’m talking about influential email marketers who are taking action on behalf of their audiences and helping their audiences to take action. Suppose you’re someone on the list of powerful Influencer. In that case, you should be taking advantage of that power by following the recommendations they make, following their lead, and asking them whatever questions you may have that you want to be answered.
Once you’re able to build your email list and work with the Influencers that you’ve chosen, you need to give them a call-to-action. How do you give a call to action? If you can’t answer a question through email, just say ‘thank you for reading our recent blog post’ or something similar. Another good method is to ask your target audience members to join a free gift or opt-in list. This will allow you to have a follow-up on any questions or concerns that they might have. By following this simple Call-to-Action strategy, you’re going to be able to influence your target audience members to take action on your offers and help you make more money online.