How to Get a High Rank in Google My Business Insights

Google my business insights (MBI) is a free service provided by Google that allows business owners to view all key performance indicators for their Google SEO efforts. Google’s mission is “Don’t know yet everything you need to know about search engine marketing? Google Insights for business will show you what you need to know.” MBI is one of several tools offered by Google that give business owners real-time analytics for their online presence. Google’s other tools include:
Google Insights offers insights from your Google SEO listing, including “how customers find your site.” Google Business Insights also focuses on what customers do after they first find it and how they get “inspired” to visit your site. For example, “What keywords do customers use to find you?” MBI provides answers to these questions as well as other insights into your Google SEO list. Google’s “Insights for business” is part of Google Webmaster Central, which is part of Google Analytics. You access this service through your Google Webmaster account.
Google Insights offers two different ways to access the insights it provides for your Google SEO list. The first is called the Insights for Google Insights, and the second is called Google Webmaster Tools. Each tool provides different levels of insight into how customers search for products and services. As an online business owner, it is important to have both available to you.
The dashboard that shows your “Insights for Google Insights” can be viewed in the Google Webmaster Tools section. In addition, you have the option of selecting “dashboard” next to the words “My Business Insights.” To get to this page, your web browser must have been installed on the Internet with Google webmaster tools installed.
The basic information that is provided in the dashboard can be a bit overwhelming. To simplify the insights that are displayed on this page, you will want to zoom in on the “row” that represents the “row” of the Insights for Google Insights. This will take you to a view of a table where the columns are labeled “Service Count,” “Click Success Rate,” “Average Revenue Number,” “Number of Errors,” “Total Revenue Amount,” “Revenue Amount,” “First Time Visitors to URL,” and “IP Cameras.” Notice how there is a blank column for first-time visitors to a URL?
The second row in the Google My Business Insights dashboard provides information on how customers are finding your Google listing. The third row is labeled “IP Cameras.” What are IP cameras? Do you really need to know what this means? A Google IP camera is a device that helps you to stream video to a remote location. There are many ways that you can use an IP camera, but if you want to learn how to get a high rank in the search engines, you need to use this method.
The final row in the Google My Business Insights dashboard provides information on what is known as direct searches. What are direct searches? If your company sells products or services to businesses, you should know how customers search for your listing.
Finally, the last row of the Google My Business Insights dashboard allows you to drill down into the user-generated content in the MLM or network marketing category. In order to do this, you will want to click on the “search engines” icon that is right next to the “Insights” heading. You can then type in the key phrase that you typed in (i.e., “network marketing” or “business insights”) and then hit enter. What you will see in the results is a list of different sites that are related to the term that you entered. Click on any one of these sites, and you will be taken back to the previous page where you placed the keyword. Now that you have learned how to use Google to discover how customers are finding your listing, you can take this information and use it to improve your overall online marketing strategy.