What is Google Update?

Google has recently announced a new feature in its Google+ community: the Google Update. What is Google Update? It is a small but powerful update to the existing Google+. With this update, any information that you post on your social media sites like on your Google+ page will also show up in the stream of updates from Google. You can also share files between the two social networks.
What is Google Update?
Google updates are small enhancements to the Google program. For example, they may include new translations of certain words or a simple change in the formatting of a web page. Google Update program may also bring about a new icon or a different color theme for your profile page. On top of these minor changes, Google also announces major milestones like adding three new translation languages, setting up two new product categories (Insights and Tools), and integrating two new industry verticals, shopping and travel.
How do I use the Google update?
To use the Google update, you have to sign in to all the services offered by Google. This includes Google’s Google+ social platform, Google Apps, Google Search, Gmail, and YouTube. The Google+ update is available for all Google account holders. If you’re not signed up yet, Google may email you with the link for signing up. If you already have a Google account, you may see the update notification in your main Google channel inbox.
Can I attend the Google update?
The Google update is only visible to those who are following the latest progress on Google+. To be able to take advantage of the update, you need to be part of the Google+ social community. Google will send an email with all the details of the upcoming event. It is also possible that the invitation will appear in your spam filter, so make sure to check your spam folder for the email.
What is Google stating about mobile apps on Google search results?
The update service is also targeted towards allowing mobile apps to rank higher on search results. The move is part of Google’s ongoing effort to focus more on mobile internet and especially on Android.
Can the update be applied to my Google+ page?
Although the update has already been implemented in Google apps, you may not be able to apply the update to your Google+ page. It would be best to apply the update to all Google account-holders. You should also update your other social accounts to match the new updates. You can still use your current settings to share posts with your friends. Google will start sending out email notices soon, so it would be best to join the conversation now while it is still possible.